Dear Friends,
Welcome to St. Peter’s new fall season of worship and hospitality.
One of my best memories of this summer was gathering together with family for Sunday afternoon bar-b-cues…good conversation, good natured banter, the rough and tumble of children at play, the cooing admiration of infants and the palpable feeling of love and support freely given and received by all around the table. The gift we exchanged was hospitality…a broad term of Latin origin with branches that run from Holy Communion (the host) to renewal, refreshment and entertainment.
After a week away on Fire Island - it is a joy to be back at St. Peter’s. My mini-homecoming reminded me of the hospitality that I first experienced almost two years ago when I came through our welcoming doors. Since then I take great joy that our parish family of brothers and sisters in Christ has taken so many opportunities to support, comfort and celebrate each other. In all candor, it is the sublime fulfillment of my vocation to witness and participate in the deep, abiding love of our St. Peter’s family.
I am reminded of the hospitality of Abraham and Sarah who were entertaining guests unaware that they were angels. They treated God’s angels as they would treat any strangers, with open hearts and generosity. Their hospitality was rewarded by the message carried by the angels. In their old age, their impossible dream of a growing, loving family was answered.
This year St. Peter’s growing, loving family shares that same gift of hospitality with all who gather here.
On Sunday September 14th we begin a new season. We open a new chapter in our relationship with God and one another. This will be a year of personal and parish renewal, a year of continued thanksgiving and rejoicing and a new year of welcoming at St. Peter’s. I’m eager to share it with you…grateful for all that God has done for us, open to all that God has in store.
Jane, Robert and I excitedly look forward to celebrating the new season with you in church on Sunday, September 14 and on Sunday September 21 for our Homecoming Sunday.
Faithfully yours in Christ’s love,
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