Thursday, November 08, 2007


Everything we have comes from the Lord,
and we give only what He has given us.

1 Chronicles 29:14

Dear Friends,

We’re entering another season of giving and thanks giving. So, thank you for your faithful, prayerful support. There simply would be no St. Peter’s without your commitment and generosity. God bless you for all the good you make happen here everyday.

Thank you also for my opportunity to serve at St. Peter’s. It is more than a ministry. It is a joy. In my brief time here I’ve come to appreciate that St. Peter’s is such a special place. Beyond the beauty of our buildings and grounds, is the greater beauty of the fundamental goodness and vibrant faith of our parish family.

It has been a privilege to get to know the older, faithful parishioners and to learn from them the rich history and traditions of St. Peter’s. It has been heart warming to meet and serve your families – both younger and older, who’ve made the transfer of our faith such an essential bond with our children. And then, there are the kids. Seeing our faith reflected back in those bright, happy faces is a constant affirmation of Christ with us.

Special thanks to the parish leadership – the Wardens, Vestry, Ministries and Administration who have given themselves so selflessly and competently to take on the many challenges we have faced this year. The Lord truly has a winning team at St. Peter’s. 2007 has been a year of doing much more with less. The corporate world calls it “productivity.” We call it good stewardship – realistically setting priorities, vigorously controlling costs, working harder, working smarter.

Together we have made great progress this year: putting in more hours, providing more pastoral services, being more welcoming, creating more opportunities for fellowship, preserving the reverence and beauty of our worship. We are moving in the right direction, but the financial challenges at St. Peter’s have been a long time in the making. We will not be able to painlessly “economize” them away in a year or two. Our future lies in growth. Long-term by welcoming more individuals and families into our faith fellowship. Shorter-term by increasing our personal commitments to the viability of St. Peter’s.

As committed Christians we face that future confidently, knowing that everything we have comes from God. We hold our lives and everything about us for such a short time, before we must give it all back to Him. Joyful giving acknowledges this profound fact of our life in Christ. In various translations of first Corinthians the words “love” and “charity” are often used interchangeably. Sacrificial giving is a clear sign of our love.

Please use your pledge to thank Him. Praise Him. Give back from what He has given us. Ultimately, we find that in Christ we don’t just give thanks for being happy, rather we find so much more happiness in giving back to God with thanks.

Sincerely yours,

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