Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15, 2010

Dear Friends,

Below is an important message regarding the relief efforts in Haiti by Bishop Provenzano.

"We ask that the faithful of our dioceses, as well as all people of good will, pray for this people devastated by yet another cataclysm, that they will know the mercy and comfort of the Holy Trinity. To support immediately our brother Bishop Duracin in the work of reconstruction, we pledge at least $10,000 from our own resources. We ask our members to join in these efforts by giving to Episcopal Relief and Development .

The Diocese of Haiti is the largest in The Episcopal Church. The efforts of their clergy and laity to proclaim and live out the Good News of Jesus Christ have in the past earned our profound admiration. Now that they have suffered yet another calamity, may the Holy Spirit give us the strength and resources to meet their new needs."

I prayerfully urge you to join with us in strong support of the diocesan relief efforts in Haiti and bring an offering that will be collected over the course of the next two Sundays. Make checks payable to Diocese of Long Island .

Please continue to hold the people of Haiti in your prayers during this time of uncertainty.

Yours in Christ's love,

The Reverend David F. Sellery

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