Friday, July 25, 2008

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

Dear Friends,

Please join me and a small group of family and friends on August 6 from 7 to 9 in the Parish Hall for a unique experience in spiritual development and ministry discernment. Specifically, we will be exploring the potential of developing a ministry to serve and celebrate people often considered the least among us – those with intellectual disabilities – and those who love and care for them.

From personal experience I have seen the impact disabilities have on families – the crushing pain and alienation that amazing grace can transform into a radiant witness to Christ’s love. I’ve seen the powerful ripples that love sends out and have come to appreciate that people with disabilities have more to give us than we have for them.

This will definitely not be a “pity party.” St. Peter’s is a Christian community dedicated to renewing, rejoicing and welcoming. We rejoice in the Lord always. And in that spirit we will ask the Holy Spirit to lead us.

We draw inspiration from the international, ecumenical Faith and Light community which has opened doors of hope to tens of thousands of people with disabilities worldwide, and permitted hundreds of thousands of the able to meet Christ in the joy of friendship with these beautiful souls with less than perfect minds and bodies.

I know how busy you are and how many obligations you must have. But please spend this time with Jesus and with us. I promise two hours close to Christ, rich in testimony, prayer, reflection and practical exploration of a promising direction for our outreach.

Please RSVP to Sue Collins, our Parish Administrator, at 665-0051 ASAP.

Sincerely yours in Christ’s love,

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